Thursday 26 September 2019

UAE in space: Astronaut Hazza Al Mansouri arrives on the ISS

The Emirati made history as he arrived at the International Space Station early on Thursday morning.

The first Emirati astronaut was beginning his first day on board the International Space Station on Thursday after floating through the hatch at 2.20am UAE time.

Maj Hazza Al Mansouri greeted the world with a 'salaam alaikum' from the ISS, eight hours after a historic blast off from Earth.

"We are grateful to have reached the ISS and ilhamdillah everything is good," he said in Arabic.

"The Earth is beautiful from this place. It is small but I can see a small part of it.

"God protect you. Send my regards to the people of the UAE."

He and fellow astronauts, Russian commander Oleg Skripochka and Nasa’s Jessica Meir, embraced the existing six crew and gathered together in front of the live stream cameras to Earth, beaming with pride.

Major Al Mansouri will stay on for eight days, returning to Earth on October 3.

In his eight days Maj Al Mansouri will perform a series of experiments, question-and-answer sessions with young people in the UAE and present a live tour of the station in Arabic. He will also undergo brief medical experiments to study the effects of space on his body.

After docking about midnight the Soyuz hatch will open at 2am, allowing the crew on to the ISS.

During his eight-day trip, Maj Al Mansouri will make dinner for his crew mates with traditional Emirati food flown up in cans.

  • Thursday, September 26, he will carry out a series of science in space experiments and take part in a short radio call at 11.33pm
  • Friday, September 27, experiments include time perception in microgravity and a live session at 2.30pm UAE time lasting about 20 minutes
  • Saturday, September 28, science in space experiments followed by a cardiovector session. This is a study that astronauts undergo to understand more about cardiology in space and the stresses placed on the body
  • Sunday, September 29 - tour of the station in Arabic. Space chiefs hope to educate and inspire millions of young Arabs as Maj Al Mansouri takes them around the ISS. There will also be a live chat session between 2.40pm and 3pm.
  • Monday, September 30, another live session at 4.14pm, followed by further experiments.
  • Tuesday, October 1, a further live session with young people followed by experiments involving fluids in space
  • Wednesday, October 2, more experiments and preparations for the Soyuz craft to undock
  • Thursday, October 3, undock at 11.34pm to descend to Earth. Maj Al Mansouri will return to Earth, landing at one of three sites in Kazakhstan.
  • On board the ISS already are Russians Alexey Ovchinin and Alexander Skvortsov, Nasa astronauts Christina Koch, Nick Hague and Andrew Morgan and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano.

**Hague and Ovchinin are scheduled to wrap up a mission of more than 200 days on October 3 and return to Earth with Maj Al Mansouri

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