Monday 1 May 2017

Kim Kardashian’s doctor says her bum is ‘too big’ and compares to a ‘deflated balloon’

Cosmetic surgeon Aaron Rollins is believed to have worked on 36-year-old Kim’s derrière – although she firmly denies any surgery, but says her bum is “too big”, and that people now come to him asking for her younger sister Kylie Jenner’s bottom instead.

Following the release of Kim’s un-airbrushed bikini pictures, he told The Mail Online: “Let her serve as a lesson to anyone who wants to make a body part bigger.

“If they have cellulite there before the procedure, then it will be there afterwards, too. People need to think about that or it will look bad like Kim’s.

“It’s very big, maybe too big.”

He went on to explain that how the alleged transferring of fat from Kim’s waist to her bum won’t make for cellulite free skin.

“Fat was taken from her waist and put into her bottom. But it’s transferring problem fat to another area,” said the doctor.

“Problem fat is problem fat wherever it is. It grows in the same way as it would in the place it was taken from.

“Kim has had two children, she has put on weight and then lost it, then gained it again and lost it again. It’s like blowing up a balloon and then letting the air out – there are ripples. No wonder it looks like that.”

Offering little hope to the reality queen, he added: “She has everything going against her and there is nothing she can do about it – apart from get the airbrush out.”

The mother-of-two has lost more than 100,000 Instagram followers since un-airbrushed photos from her holiday in Mexico emerged this week, sparking a media storm.

She was attacked online as trolls said the snaps of her imperfect behind – displaying some cellulite – were clearly different from airbrushed photos she often posts on social media.

Fans were quick to turn on Kim, who “broke the internet” two years ago with a picture of her balancing a glass of champagne on her bottom, for constantly flaunting her “fake body parts”.

Kim, who still has 98.8million followers on Instagram, ranted at the global furore.

She said: “I’ve seen perspective is a b****. I’ll work on taking videos with better lighting & angles. F*** you.” She deleted the post one minute later.


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