Friday 21 April 2017

Happy Birthday! Jack Nicholson Turns 79 Today

Today is actor Jack Nicholson’s birthday.

Considered one of the best actors of several generations, Nicholson’s award-winning career is highlighted by several iconic performances. No performance may be more iconic, however, than Nicholson’s role as The Joker in Tim Burton’s Batman. In a celebrated turn as the Clown Prince of Crime, many fans cite Nicholson’s Joker as one of their favorites.

But just as he’s synonymous with the Joker, Nicholson is equally known as Jack (or Johnny) from Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the Stephen King novel The Shining. As the axe-wielding psychopath, Nicholson and his performance have been referenced by several different films and actors. Heck, he turned a line of dialogue into a catch-phrase. Nicholson has also held memorable roles in The Departed, Mars Attacks, Chinatown, and As Good As It Gets.

Born in New York City, Nicholson turns 79 today. Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson.


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